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Peer Support Membership
1 Year Free Trial then $39 / Year
Membership with the Colorado Association of Peer Support Professionals opens doors. Whether you're a seasoned professional, a recent graduate of training, or anywhere in between, we welcome you – your journey to excellence in peer support begins here.
Networking & Community
Education & Training
Professional Development
Advocacy & Policy
RCO Employer Membership
$180 / Year
A Recovery Community Organization (RCO) is an independent, non-profit organization led and governed by representatives of local communities of recovery.
Job Posting Services
Posted Jobs Dashboard
Educational Resources (coming soon)
Networking Opportunities (coming soon)
Employer Membership
$360 / Year
An Employer Membership is intended for Behavioral Health Providers and employers of Peer Support Professionals.
Job Posting Services
Posted Jobs Dashboard
Educational Resources (coming soon)
Networking Opportunities (coming soon)